Artist Statement
One of the ways my family stays close is by cooking together and sharing recipes. This body of work features functional objects to be used with a specific recipe from my family. Each piece is designed with function at the forefront. From a citrus juicer to accompany my Mema’s Citrus Punch to a loaf pan for Monna’s Zucchini Bread, each work is glazed with a shared pattern that represents my family history and memories we share. The taste and smells bring us together even when we’re miles apart. 
My mom’s family lives in Florida, and many of my fondest memories have been made there. My great grandmother has an orange tree in her back yard that is the source of the fruit she uses to make her citrus punch. It has been a staple at Mema’s Christmas party every year for as long as I can remember. I designed my orange glaze pattern after this orange tree and all things Florida, to represent the joy my family feels when we are able to spend time together. 
My pieces awaken memories of standing in my grandmother's dining room, smelling Sunday dinner baking in the oven and bubbling on the stove. I want to share my personal feelings of joy that comes from spending time with my family with my viewers. Eating and laughing and playing cards once everyone’s belly is full. That is a memory that will last you a lifetime.
Rebecca Randall Bryan Art Gallery - Conway, SC

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